Selection for Paradise

Man has been granted freedom in this world of trial and tribulation, but he has misused his freedom and has sown cruelty and corruption on earth. How can God tolerate so much evil? The only possible answer is that, without it, those noble souls who are fit to abide in paradise would not stand out from the others. There would be no basis on which to select them. Only if man is free can he prove that he is willing to renounce all power for God’s sake alone. The unbounded evil that exists on earth is, in fact, the price that has to be paid for unbounded good. On the strength of this good, a selection is made on earth, from the mass of humanity, of those blessed souls who, consciously and of their own free will, are obedient to God; who submit to the Lord on principle, and not because they are forced to do so.

Such people stand head and shoulders above the rest of mankind. They could deny the truth, but they do not do so. They could give precedence to themselves, but they always put God first. They could establish themselves in seats of power, but they waive all claims to power and follow truth and justice. Man has to be free to prove himself fit for paradise; he must also pay the price for his freedom.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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