Those Who Bow Before God

God requires for paradise realistic souls who live as if they are seeing God, though He is invisible; who are so conscious of God’s greatness and perfection that He is always in their thoughts. Their lives should be so centred on God that their hearts should pulsate to His words.

The wondrous world of paradise will be inhabited by those who are so devoted to God that He comes to dominate their lives; who raise their consciousness to a level which enables them to look at themselves objectively; who, although they are free, place constraints upon themselves and practice self-discipline.

When one reaches this stage of high-mindedness and realism, one develops objectivity in one’s thinking; one begins to see oneself in a true rather than a personal light; one submits totally to the Creator, though one is not forced to do so; one keeps to God’s commandments, even in the face of temptation; one accepts truth fully, even though one is in a position to reject it; one has the same attitude of submission to the Lord of Creation now, when He is invisible, as one will have when He becomes visible in the hereafter.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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