The Story of Noah

The people who had been saved in Noah’s Ark settled in different parts of the world. Gradually, they multiplied and in different races, spread all over the globe. These people told the story of the Great Flood to the next generations. That is why the story of the Great Flood is found in one form or the other in all nations. However, for a long period of time, Noah and the events related to him were taken just as a legendary tale. However, accounts of these events are recorded in both the Bible and the Quran.

If the story of Noah was true, Jewish and Christian scholars were faced with the task of providing historical proof of it. Research on this subject has continued right up to the present. The story of Noah’s Ark was recounted in detail in the Bible; that was why the scholars of the Bible took great interest in it. They began to investigate this subject on a large scale, particularly of the region where Noah lived according to the Bible.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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