The Ark and the Flood

Noah’s people inhabited Mesopotamia. By the command of God, a Great Flood hit this region. According to known history, it was a unique flood.

When the waters rose high, the Ark began to float, and it could have taken any direction but, at God’s behest, it sailed towards Turkey.

Apparently, this happened because the range of hills near Mesopotamia provided conditions conducive to the formation of glaciers. This range of hills is known as Judi or Ararat. The Ark travelled about 1600 km, finally reaching Mount Judi in the eastern part of Turkey, where it ran aground.

After the floodwaters had subsided, the believers came out of the Ark. Of those, three were Noah’s sons – Ham, Sam, Yafis (Japheth). The later human generations are mainly the offspring of the three sons of Noah. It is believed that Japheth settled in some area of Europe, Ham settled in Africa and Sam (Shem) settled in Asia. The generations up to the time of Noah had been the direct offspring of Adam. After Noah, the human race which spread across the world, was mostly the offspring of the three sons of Noah.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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