The Historical Ark

Prophet Noah’s Ark was made of wood. Had it been exposed, it would have been reduced to dust over time. But the region of Judi had an extremely cold climate and, after the Ark ran aground, there was continuous snowfall, as a result of which a thick layer of a glacier formed around the Ark. In this way, the Ark remained safe from destruction. In geology, there is a natural process called fossilization (derived from the word fossil). It is a law of nature that whenever something is buried under the earth’s surface for a long period, it goes through a particular chemical process and undergoes a transformation. For example, wood and bones become hard and turn into rock. This process of fossilization is usually complete in about a thousand years. After the completion of this process, the object retains its original form and is converted into rock. In this way its physical form remains preserved forever.

According to His plan, God wanted to preserve Noah’s Ark. The great flood was spread over a vast region, possibly from the Rivers Tigris and Euphrates (Iraq) to the eastern borders of Turkey. The Ark sailed over the floodwaters. According to God’s will, while sailing over the waters, the Ark reached the peak of Mount Judi. There the process of fossilization continued over a long period of time, as a result of which the Ark turned into a fossil.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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