Prediction of Universal Dawah

According to one tradition, the Prophet of Islam observed: ‘The day will come when the word of God will enter into every home, big or small of the globe, willingly or unwillingly.’ (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith No. 23814)

There is nothing mysterious about the coming to pass of this event of universal dawah. According to the law of nature, this event will take place through human beings with the help of known resources rather than through angels or by miraculous methods.

The day will come when the word of God will enter
into every home, big or small of the globe, willingly or

(Musnad Ahmad, No. 23814)

When God desires some work to be done, conducive circumstances are provided for it. But this comes about with no prior announcement. As such, it is man’s responsibility to exercise his reason in order to understand nature’s silent message and make use of it to achieve the desired goal. One example of this is provided by rain. Rain comes from God but it is the farmer’s duty to understand the silent message of rain and make use of it for agriculture.

The same is the case of dawah. The present age is totally a new age. In this age, many things have come into existence that are immensely favourable to dawah. For instance, religious freedom, tourism, the printing press and global transportation for various purposes, modern communications, modes of print media, electronic media, the Internet and social media, travel facilities, etc.

Such happenings proclaim, albeit in a silent language, that opportunities have opened up to the ultimate extent for performing global dawah as predicted in the hadith. Make use of these opportunities and communicate the message of God to all human beings so that no one inhabiting this globe, whether man or woman, remains unaware of God’s creation plan.

In ancient times, no great work could be performed without the support of the government, for the government had a monopoly on all resources. In present times, opportunities have been separated from political power.

If the ancient age was one of political power, the present age is the age of institutions and organizations. Now, through institutions and organizations, all those things can be done on a far greater scale that could formerly be done only partially with government support. Similarly, it has become possible today to establish great dawah empires on a far greater scale than the ancient political empires.

In the circumstances that prevailed in ancient times, a political empire could have been established only in a limited geographical region.

Such happenings proclaim, albeit in a silent language,
that opportunities have opened up to the ultimate extent
for performing global dawah as predicted in the hadith.
Muslims must make use of these opportunities and
communicate the message of God to all human beings so
that no one inhabiting this globe, whether man or woman,
remains unaware of God’s creation plan.

In modern circumstances an e-empire can be established without any obstacle right across the globe. These universal possibilities, without doubt, have been generated only for dawah work.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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