Reminders of the Prophets

Right from Prophet Noah to the Final Prophet, Muhammad, many prophets were sent by God to the world. But there are three prophets—Noah, Abraham and Muhammad—whose material remains symbolically tell us of three stages of dawah. The first material remains is that of Noah which is in the form of the Ark. This Ark symbolically tells us that man will not be left to do his own will, but that all the people will finally be divided into two groups. This division will be based on the record of their deeds. People who have a record of good deeds to their credit will be held deserving of Paradise and those who have bad deeds to their credit will be consigned to hellfire.

The second material reminder is that of Prophet Abraham. This exists in Makkah even today in the form of the Kabah. The Kabah is a symbolic reminder of that extraordinary planning according to which Abraham settled his wife Hajira and son Ishmael in the desert region of Arabia. After a long period that generation came into existence who are known as the Ishmaelites. The Prophet and the Companions of the Prophet were the select members of this race. This was an exceptional group which is termed by an orientalist ‘a nation of heroes’.

The third material reminder is that of Prophet Muhammad, which exists in the form of the Masjid-i-Nabwi in Madina. The Prophet’s grave is also inside this mosque.

The extraordinary struggle by the Prophet and his Companions ushered in a new age in human history. This new age marks the end of the age of shirk (polytheism) and the beginning of the age of tawheed (monotheism). Prophet Muhammad and his Companions initiated a new process in human history. Consequently, that revolution occurred which has been called in the Quran as Izhaar-e-din (The Quran, 48:28).

Izhaar-e-din does not refer to any political Izhaar (ascendancy). In fact, it refers to an all- encompassing Izhaar, on an ideological level, one which is of a vaster nature. Consequently, that global event took place which may be termed as an explosion of opportunity.

Izhaar-e-din does not refer to any political Izhar. It
refers to an all-encompassing Izhaar, on an ideological
level, one which is of a vaster nature.Consequently, that
global event took place which may be termed as an
explosion of opportunity.

Through Prophet Muhammad and his Companions, a process was started which has reached its culmination in the twenty-first century. This revolution has several aspects. For instance, religious freedom, scientific evidence in favour of monotheism, global communications, global mobility, the printing press, communication, the decentralization of political power, the coming of the age of institutions, etc. One of these modern opportunities relates to the appearance of Noah’s Ark as a result of global warming, which lay hidden under mounds of ice for several thousand years.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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