Noah’s Ark and Daabba

The Quran states: ‘when God’s word is justly carried out against them, we will produce a daabba from the earth which will tell them that mankind has no real faith in Our signs.’ (The Quran, 27:82)

It is stated in both the Quran and the Hadith, that a daabba will appear before Doomsday. The appearance of daabba will, as it were, mark the end of the first phase of human history and the beginning of the second phase of human history.

The appearance of daabba will practically be akin to the final communication of the message to all mankind.

The Quran states that a daabba will appear before
Doomsday, which will be akin to the final communication
of the message to all mankind of the end of the first phase
of human history and the beginning of the second phase of
human history.

Subsequently, the same event will take place, as had taken place during the times of Noah, but on a far greater scale. That is, the saving of the righteous people and the destroying of the non-righteous people in the wake of a great flood.

There are many traditions regarding daabba in the books of Hadith, but the most authentic and reliable is the one which has been recorded by Sahih Muslim. This tradition tells us that a daabba will appear before Doomsday (Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 2901).

This tradition does not contain additional details, such as the daabba possessing the staff of Moses and the ring of Solomon, etc. These different reports also contradict one another. That is why those Ulama, for instance, Imam Razi, Allama Aloosi, Allama Albani, and others who have done research on these traditions, have concluded that these traditions are not authentic. The right approach in this matter is to take daabba in the sense of daabba and all other associated details should be ignored as unauthentic.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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