Prophet Noah and The Ark

Those who deny a prophet prove that they are not willing to live in this world of God in accordance with God’s creation plan. But the rejection of a prophet is no simple matter. Such deniers lose the respite to live any longer in this world of God. That is why they are destroyed by one calamity or another. (The Quran, 29:40)

Those who deny a prophet prove that they are not willing
to live in this world of God in accordance with God’s
creation plan.

We learn from the Quran that a different method was adopted in case of the addressees of Noah. This method was the destruction of the unrighteous by a Great Flood and the saving of the righteous by means of an Ark. The special reason for this has been described in the Quran in two verses: “We saved him and those who were with him in the Ark and made the event a sign for mankind.” (The Quran, 29:15). At another place the Quran has this to say, “We have left this as a sign: but will anyone take heed?” (The Quran, 54:15)

We saved him and those who were with him in the Ark
and made the event a sign for mankind.

(The Quran, 29:15)

This means that in the case of Noah, the method of the Ark was adopted so that it might remain preserved and become, for future generations, a means of knowing the creation plan of God.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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