Noah’s Ark and Turkey
As mentioned above, Noah’s Ark set sail from Iraq (Mesopotamia). It could have taken any direction, but it took a particular direction and while sailing a long distance it came to rest on a mountain situated on the eastern side of Turkey.
Why did this happen? There were many places where the Ark could have come to rest. But only one option was selected and that was the mountain in Turkey. This definitely took place under divine guidance. We cannot take it as a casual event. It is incumbent upon us to take this happening as divinely planned.
On closer reflection on this matter, we understand that Turkey, due to some special features, was best suited for the role God desired the Ark to play. God in His foreknowledge knew that Turkey would, in future, be an Islamic country. God knew that Turkey was a country which enjoyed the position of a junction between the eastern and the western world.
God knew that, for various reasons, Turkey would be visited by tourists from all over the world. Along with this, it was also in God’s knowledge that, of the long list of Muslim countries, Turkey would be the only country which would be free from religious fanaticism. Owing to this, Turkey would be the most suitable country for the Ark to perform this desired role.
What is this desired role? It is without doubt dawah work. That is, to inform all men and women of the creation plan of God. For this purpose, Noah’s Ark enjoys the position of historical evidence. It is a historical reminder of the divine plan which was executed through Prophet Noah. Noah’s Ark directly serves as physical evidence of Noah’s history, while it indirectly serves as material evidence for the history of other prophets.
Noah’s Ark serves as a historical evidence, serving
as a reminder of the divine plan to inform mankind
of the creation plan of God. It directly serves as
physical evidence of Prophet Noah’s history, while it
indirectly serves as material evidence for the history
of other prophets.
God desired that, prior to Doomsday, all human beings must be given a clear declaration of what was the creation plan of God with regard to man. Noah’s Ark is undeniably a tangible piece of evidence of this creation plan of God. And, for various reasons, Turkey was the most appropriate place for the appearance of this evidence.
It is the need of the hour that the Muslims of the whole world in general, and the Muslims of Turkey in particular, may understand this divine plan and make all the necessary arrangements towards this end. For instance, they should develop the area of the Ark as a tourist spot of a high order. They should provide tourists with all the facilities for communication and transport. Trained people should be at hand to interact with tourists. A good library should make available translations of the Quran in different languages, either for free distribution or for sale. Arrangements should be made to present to tourists the mission of the prophets with reference to the Ark. It should be that the place of the appearance of Noah’s Ark no longer remains just the place of the Ark, but rather becomes a most modern dawah centre in the full sense.
It is the need of the hour that the Muslims of the whole
world in general, and the Muslims of Turkey in particular,
may understand this divine plan and make all the
necessary arrangements to undertake dawah work.
According to the creation plan of God, two floods were preordained for the earth—one, the flood at Noah’s time and the other the flood which would mark the end of the world. Noah’s Ark serves as a historical reminder of the first flood and the flood which took place in Noah’s time serves as a pointer to the second flood.
The appearance of the Ark in the twenty-first century serves as a warning for people to prepare themselves, as the time of the next flood is drawing near.
Fortunate are those who understand this divine plan and by living their lives accordingly, become deserving of the great reward. The truth is that the appearance of the Ark, after being buried under sheets of ice for several thousand years, is the greatest event prior to the blowing of the Trumpet by the angel Israfil. The next event that will take place will be the blowing of the Trumpet which will be a final declaration that the time of action has come to an end and the time of reaping the reward of one’s action has begun.