The Difference between
The Bible and The Quran

Noah’s Ark has been mentioned both in the Bible as well as in the Quran. But there is a difference between the two descriptions. The Bible mentions Noah’s Ark just as a story of ancient times. But the Quran, besides telling the story of the Ark, has made a prediction. This prediction is that Noah’s Ark, having been specially preserved by God, will appear in later times to serve as a lesson to the people. We quote here the relevant verses of the Quran: “But We saved him and those who were with him in the Ark and made the event a sign for mankind.” (The Quran, 29:15) “We have left this (Ark) as a sign: but will anyone take heed?” (The Quran, 54:15)

We have left this (Ark) as a sign: but will anyone take heed?

(The Quran, 54:15)

“But We bore you away in the Ark, when the waters rose high, so that We might make it a reminder for you and so that attentive ears might retain it.” (The Quran, 69:11–12)

These verses of the Quran were revealed in the first quarter of the seventh century. At that time, no one in the whole world knew that the Ark had been preserved. Both Arabs and non-Arabs were totally unaware of this matter.

The Quran gave an extraordinary prediction that the Ark will appear in the future, at a time when no one in the world knew that the Ark had been preserved.

In such a situation the Quran declared that Noah’s Ark was preserved and that it was going to appear in the future. It was an extraordinary prediction. After this prediction, for more than a thousand years people remained in the dark about this. It was at the end of the 20th century that, for the first time, man was able to learn, through aerial photography, that an object resembling an Ark existed on a mountain situated on the eastern border of Turkey.

This appearance of Noah’s Ark is a part of great planning on the part of God. Apparently, it is an initial announcement of the end of human history.

The appearance of Noah’s Ark is a part of great planning on the part of God. Apparently, it is an initial announcement of the end of human history.

Noah’s Ark symbolically tells man that another major and final flood is in the offing. This flood will mark the end of the first stage of human life—that of a test—and the beginning of the second stage of human life—that of judgement and, subsequent, reward or punishment. The present temporary earth was the abode of the first stage of life, while the abode of the second stage of life will be the eternal world of the Hereafter.

We have been told in the Quran that Noah’s Ark was preserved. Its preservation could never have been purposeless. Therefore, it would be right to say that the Ark was preserved so that it might appear before Doomsday as a historical sign. Now, the question arises as to what would be the way of its appearance. On closer inspection we learn that perhaps it is the event of the second appearance of Noah’s Ark which is termed as ‘daabba’ in the Quran and Hadith.

Perhaps it is the event of the second appearance of Noah’s Ark which is termed as ‘daabba’ in the Quran.

Daabba is, in fact, a symbolic name for Noah’s Ark. Daabba literally means ‘creeper’. Anything that creeps will be called daabba. Since Noah’s Ark sailed the waters like a creeping creature, it may be inferred that symbolically it was termed daabba.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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