The Importance of Noah

The Quran tells us that Noah’s Ark has been given the status of a sign by God. “We have left this as a sign: but will anyone take heed?” (The Quran, 54:15)

As far as the lesson-giving aspect is concerned, the selection of Noah was the most appropriate. Noah was born in the pre-historic age. That is why, for over thousands of years, it was believed that from a purely historical point of view, Noah had never existed at all.

In such a situation, the mention of Noah and his Ark in the Bible and the Quran is no simple matter. Its position was that of a prediction about an unknown phase of history.

Looked at from this angle, the discovery of the Ark and the flood as a historical event is extremely important. It proves that the statement of the Quran regarding the nature of life is entirely correct. The information given by the prophets about the life hereafter and accountability was totally true. The appearance of daabba is a silent declaration of this reality.

Now the final hour has come for man to rouse himself; to listen to the silent voice of daabba; to study the Quran and plan his actions by keeping the creation plan of God before him. The evidence tells us that human history is evidently nearing its end.

Now the final hour has come for man to rouse himself;
to listen to the silent voice of daabba; to study the Quran
and plan his actions by keeping the creation plan of God
before him.

Now man is left with very little time to reform himself. It has now become obligatory for people to prepare for that time, which has been mentioned in these words in the Quran: “And when their term approaches, they can neither delay it by a single moment, nor can they advance it.” (The Quran, 7:34)

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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