The mission of the prophets was to help people lead their lives on monotheistic lines so that they may receive divine blessings in this world and the Hereafter.

Throughout human history, every prophet sent by God had a mission to guide man away from polytheism and towards the worship of one God alone. Their purpose was to help people reform their lives in accordance with this belief and receive divine blessings in both this world and the Hereafter. However, in the long history of humanity, the message of nearly every prophet was rejected by their contemporaries, especially those influential figures in society who failed to believe in and support the prophets.

The Quran describes this historical reality as follows: “Alas for human beings! They ridicule every messenger that comes to them” (36:30). This neglect of God’s prophets reached such an extent that their messages were deemed unworthy of being recorded in the annals of human history. While stories of kings find a place in historical records, the mention of the prophets is almost absent.

However, there is one exceptional case, and that is the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (peace be upon him). With exceptional divine assistance, the Prophet succeeded in transforming monotheism from a theoretical concept into a living movement. He took it from the theoretical stage to the stage of a practical revolution, leaving a lasting impact on history.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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