Human knowledge has reached a point where only one choice remains: submitting and humbling oneself to the one and only God.

In the era of modern science, every aspect of nature became subject to investigation. Through this research, it was revealed that nature was simply nature, devoid of any form of divinity. With this realization, the notion of nature worship came to an end, as nature lost its status as a deity.

Subsequently, the era of industrial civilization began, granting humans access to numerous previously unknown advancements. Unfortunately, the success of modern industrial civilization deceived many, leading them to perceive it as a substitute for a deity. As a result, people started establishing a similar relationship with the industrial civilization that should only exist with the actual deity. However, it soon became evident that human industry had a significant negative aspect: it not only produced civilization but also brought about industrial pollution.

In the 21st century, this industrial pollution reached alarming levels, resulting in what is known as global warming. It became clear that the world created by modern industry was highly polluted, making it impossible for any creature, including humans, to survive.

People believed that industrial civilization would transform the world into a paradise for them. However, it became apparent that beyond its ultimate limit, industrial civilization offered humans nothing but an industrial inferno. Thus, the assumption of industrial civilization as a deity also proved false.

Subsequently, humans elevated themselves to the position of a deity. According to this philosophy, everything one seeks outside of oneself exists within man. Under this assumption, it was believed that human existence had only one negative aspect: death. People came to believe that modern medical science would solve this issue and enable humans to live eternally in this world. However, despite extensive medical research, modern medical science could not provide the formula for human longevity. Even this theory, which was given the position of a deity, proved to be baseless.

Now, human knowledge has reached a point where only one choice remains: for humans to become realists and submit to the one and only God, humbling themselves before Him. Within this realization lies the secret to human success in this world and the Hereafter.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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