Monotheism entails discovering and worshipping the Creator, while polytheism involves being attached to the creation.

According to the Quran, belief in polytheism is the root of all human evils, while faith in monotheism is the source of all human virtues. The Quran explicitly states:

“God will not forgive anyone for associating something with Him, while He will forgive whomever He wishes for anything besides that. Whoever ascribes partners to God is guilty of a monstrous sin.” (4:48)

Monotheism entails discovering the Creator, while polytheism involves being attached to the creation. Monotheism is living in alignment with reality, while polytheism means living based on superstitions. Monotheists are the desired individuals in this world because they align themselves with the will of the Creator.

The Creator of this world has designed it according to a specific plan, and those who believe in one God fulfill that divine plan. They follow the blueprint set by God for mankind. Therefore, monotheists are the chosen people of God, fulfilling His will.

On the other hand, polytheism and its followers stand in opposition. Polytheism is an alien concept in the realm of God. If monotheists are the desired people in this world, polytheists are the undesired ones. The belief in polytheism does not have the approval of the Lord of this world.

If a square object is placed in a circular hole, it will not fit inside. However, when a circular object is placed in a circular hole, it fits perfectly. The same principle applies to monotheism and polytheism. Human beings were created only for monotheism. According to human nature, they were designed solely for monotheism. Therefore, living a monotheistic life is in accordance with their nature, while living a polytheistic life goes against human nature.

The behaviour of polytheists differs from that of monotheists. They turn to non-divine entities in times of success and seek refuge in them in times of failure. These supposed non-divine entities dominate their hearts and minds in all circumstances. If a monotheist through his experiences continues to receive divine inspiration, a polytheist is deprived of the same.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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