The monotheistic concept of God should be presented in a contemporary style, and by using modern means of communication it should be spread worldwide.

The emergence of modern science has undermined another foundation of polytheism. In the present time, scientific discoveries have demystified the notion of real multiplicity in the manifestations of nature and the inherent greatness attributed to them.

Modern science, through analysis and experimentation, has demonstrated that everything, despite its apparent diversity, ultimately consists of a collection of atoms, which are in turn composed of electromagnetic waves. This discovery has dismantled the myth of multiplicity in nature. Despite their outward differences, all things are ultimately unified in their reality. It is as if the advancement of knowledge has refuted the polytheistic theory and provided a solid basis for the theory of monotheism.

Moreover, modern science has provided evidence that everything on Earth or in the vast expanse of space is nothing but helpless creations bound by the unchanging laws of nature. They lack any personal choice or power to any extent.

However, superstitions have not completely disappeared. Even today, millions of people believe in various mysterious superstitions throughout the world. For instance, many among the educated class do not worship idols, but they have yet to discover God.

The only difference is that while their ancestors were engaged in idol worship, they have replaced it with another deity in the form of the laws of nature. This belief has become deeply ingrained in their minds, much like how ancient humans embraced gods and goddesses.

In ancient times, many evils afflicted human life and society, depriving human beings of their dignity. The Prophet of Islam and his Companions initiated a revolution based on monotheism that liberated the world from that dark age and propelled humanity into a period of true progress.

For the first time, humanity experienced the blessings destined for them by God. However, due to self-created superstitions, human beings had deprived themselves of those blessings. Humanity emerged from the long period of darkness and entered a new era of enlightenment. Yet, despite apparent material advancements, mankind continues to remain in problems and is deprived of happiness and peace of mind.

The need of the hour is to revive the call to monotheism with renewed vigour. On the one hand, the monotheistic concept of God should be presented with new evidence and in a contemporary language that resonates with people. On the other hand, utilizing modern means of communication, it should be spread worldwide until the predicted time foretold by the Prophet of Islam arrives, that no home—big or small—will remain in which the call of monotheism has not entered. (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith No. 23814)

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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