
The essence of monotheism is to believe in the one God, have complete trust in Him, make Him one’s sole concern, and worship Him alone.

Every person embarks on a spiritual quest, seeking a centre of peace and trust for himself. God alone can provide this centre for man. God is the sole answer to the spiritual quest of individuals. Those who have discovered God have attained everything they desire according to the demands of their nature. Realisation of God is the ultimate goal of human beings. In this world, true success is achieved by making God one’s sole concern. Every individual is an incomplete being, but one finds complete fulfillment by establishing a profound connection with God.

Monotheism entails the belief in the oneness of God, recognizing that all powers and authority belong solely to Him. He alone is deserving of worship, and no act of worship should be directed to anyone other than God. Only God fulfills the needs, desires, and wishes of human beings. He governs the system of the entire universe, and the right of superiority belongs solely to Him. Any belief that associates anyone other than God with these aspects is false.

The belief in monotheism (tawheed) holds a crucial position in Islam. It is the foundation upon which all Islamic actions are built. Without the foundation of monotheism, the other actions would cease to exist. The essence of monotheism is to believe in the one God, have complete trust in Him, and make Him one’s sole concern.

Monotheism is not merely a traditional belief; it represents the most significant intellectual revolution based on a remarkable intellectual discovery. Monotheism entails the recognition of God as the Creator and Lord of humanity. When an individual realizes the existence of God, the Creator and Lord of the universe, it initiates an intellectual storm within his mind, turning an ocean of realization into a raging tempest.

Subsequently, a profound transformation occurs in his thoughts and emotions, resulting in the emergence of a new person—a monotheist in the true sense of the word. The initiation of the Islamic call aims to bring about an intellectual revolution within individuals based on the belief in the one God. Only after this intellectual revolution can individuals become true monotheists, and when this revolutionary thought inspires many people, they form a society known as an Islamic society.

Individuals require a set of guidelines to tell them how to live in this world. These serve as life’s guidebook for man. God is the ultimate source of these guidelines. God provides reliable guidance to human beings to navigate the journey of life successfully in every situation. God is the Creator and Lord of human beings. He alone reserves the right to inform man about life and death. Where did the caravan of humanity begin, and where does it lead to? What is the right path that guides man to his destination without straying?

The most crucial need of every human being is to find God, establish a deep connection with Him, foster a loving relationship with Him, understand God’s Creation Plan for man, and build his life accordingly.  Such a God-centered life is the only righteous way to live in this world.

Wahiduddin Khan

January 1, 2015
New Delhi

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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