Man has embraced the blessings while forsaking the Bestower. Abandoning the Creator-centered perspective, they have adopted that of creation.

The world today presents two paths for humanity—the straight path and the path of deviation (16:9). The straight path is when an individual gives the Creator a central position in their life, making God their sole concern. The path of deviation is when a person becomes preoccupied with the creation, planning their entire life solely based on worldly matters. The first path is known as monotheism, while the second path is known as polytheism. Our universe comprises only two elements—the Creator and the creation. The religious term for the Creator one’s sole concern is monotheism, whereas the religious term for considering created beings one’s everything is polytheism.

Throughout human history, God’s messengers have come in every age, guiding people towards right and wrong. Every prophet had the same mission—to call humanity towards monotheism and warn them against polytheism.

The ancient form of polytheism (shirk) was rooted in nature worship. In ancient times, people elevated nature to the status of a deity, engaging in worship of natural phenomena and diverting their focus from the Creator to the creation.

Even in the present time, this form of polytheism continues to persist. Today, people continue to give importance to the creation over the Creator. The difference between ancient and modern shirk lies in its manifestation, not its essence.

In the past, humanity worshipped nature as a deity, whereas in the modern age, humans have turned it into a form of entertainment. The objects of emotional devotion were creatures in the past, and they remain, creatures, even today.

The prevailing theory in modern times is to live in the present, focusing on immediate happiness and disregarding future concerns, what is called the concept of living in ‘here and now’. But what is this ‘now’? It is the provisions of life that we have received in the form of nature. These provisions are blessings bestowed upon us by God. Humans have not created any of these sources of entertainment; they have received them from the Creator. Everything has been created by the Creator. However, today’s human beings have embraced the blessings while forsaking the Giver, the Bestower. They have abandoned the perspective centered on the Creator and adopted a perspective centered on the creation.

It is in human nature that when someone receives something, they should express gratitude towards the giver. The feeling of gratitude is an essential aspect of human nature. Unfortunately, in current times, human beings have directed their sense of gratitude towards the created beings instead of the Creator. Instead of sincerely acknowledging the Bestower, they offer gratitude to the created beings. The heartfelt gratitude that should have been given to the Bestower, has instead been diverted towards the creation.

Today, we often come across examples of this in people’s conversations and writings. Each individual can witness such examples in their daily experiences. For instance, I would like to refer to an article published in The Times of India, New Delhi (27th January 2008) by Donna Devane. An excerpt of the article titled ‘Be happy here and now’ is given below:

“Gratitude fills my soul as I enjoy my computer, more about my home, enjoy the feeling of a hug from my daughter. There is so much to be grateful for each moment of each day. I find that where gratitude goes, joy flows. Spend a few moments throughout the day with thought-shifter statements. A few of the thought-shifter statements that I use are: I am so happy and joyful to believe. I am so happy and grateful for this wonderful mind, and body that allows me to enjoy, touch, taste, sound, and movement. I am so happy and grateful for my family, and friends, and the love we share. I am so happy and grateful for my home and utilities. I am so happy and grateful for my computer, my internet, my ability to type and share with friends all over the world.”

Just as humans possess the power of hunger and thirst, they also possess a strong inclination to acknowledge the favours of their Benefactor. It is in their nature that they cannot bear receiving significant benefits without recognizing and acknowledging them. This characteristic is inherent in all human beings, regardless of gender.

Whatever humans possess is a gift from God, whether it is their existence or the entire system outside them known as the life support system. In such a situation, it is in human nature to fully acknowledge and appreciate the Giver of all these blessings—God Almighty. Among these blessings are direct blessings from God to humans, such as air, water, and light, while other things are indirect blessings. These are the things human beings have discovered in nature and transformed through the intellect bestowed by God into various manufactured goods, including consumer goods.

All these blessings demand that humans acknowledge them with their hearts and minds. However, influenced by self-devised philosophies, humans thoroughly enjoy these blessings but abandon the Giver of these blessings. This is a grave mistake that leaves human nature unaddressed.

This internal contradiction poses a problem for everyone. In the present age, both men and women face this predicament. The tension and stress experienced in modern times directly result from this internal contradiction.

The Quran expresses this reality in the following words: “Surely, in the remembrance of God, hearts can find comfort” (Quran 13:28). It means that peace of mind can only be attained through the remembrance of God.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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