Monotheism is having intense love and fear exclusively for God. Shirk means placing one’s love and fear in someone or something other than God.

“When only God is mentioned, the hearts of those who disbelieve in the Hereafter shrink with aversion, but when others are mentioned alongside Him, they rejoice.” (Quran, 39:45)

Commentator Mahmud al-Alusi narrated a personal incident while explaining this verse. He witnessed someone calling upon a deceased person for help during a calamity. Alusi advised him, saying: “O person! Call upon God, for He says, ‘And when My servants ask you (the Prophet) concerning Me, indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me.’” (Quran, 2:186) Upon hearing this, the person became enraged and replied that “the saints hear more quickly compared to God.” (Tafsir Al-Alusi, 12/266)

This mindset sometimes becomes evident through openly trusting someone other than God, which is known as clear shirk. Additionally, this mindset can also manifest as hidden shirk, which can be described as idolizing personalities or having a personality cult, in today’s language.

In many religious circles, you will find a focus on reciting God’s name on prayer beads and reading the Quran. However, if you discuss God in those gatherings, people may not show interest. On the contrary, discussions about their favourite personalities continue day and night, and their fascination with them never wanes.

Hidden shirk is often more dangerous than obvious shirk because it does not appear to be a form of shirk. Even those who engage in verbal and written crusades against obvious shirk are also involved in this hidden shirk.

The Quran states that those who have true faith are the ones who love God the most (2:165). Conversely, it also advises that guidance is attained by those who fear no one but God (9:18). This indicates that the essence of monotheism lies in having intense love and fear exclusively for God. On the other hand, shirk occurs when a person places his intense love and fear in someone or something other than God, whether it be a living or non-living entity.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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