Monotheism (tawheed) means making God one’s sole concern in every aspect, while polytheism (shirk) entails associating anyone or anything with God.

Chapter 2 of the Quran states: “Yet some set up equals with God and adore them with the adoration due to God, but those who believe love God most. If only the wrongdoers could see—as they will see when they face the punishment—that all power belongs to God and that God is severe in punishment.” (2:165)

According to this verse, shirk (associating partners with God) is the act of equating others with God, either wholly or partially. It involves giving the adoration and worship that is reserved for God alone to someone or something else. Even if a person attributes such a status to oneself, he commits polytheism (45:23).

In other words, monotheism (tawheed) means making God the sole focus and concern in every aspect, while polytheism (shirk) entails associating anyone or anything with God, whether partially or completely.

When a person realizes that it is God who brought him into existence from nothingness, granted him a unique and superior personality, placed him on a remarkable planet like Earth, and created a life support system for him, this realisation forms a deep connection with God within him. God becomes his sole concern. This is the foundation of intense love for God.

As one further understands that all these things are unilateral gifts from God, which can be taken away at any time, one becomes apprehensive about being held accountable for the responsibilities attached to these divine gifts. This awareness generates a feeling of intense fear, as mentioned in the Quran (9:18).

Thus one comes to realise that all authority belongs solely to God. No one else possesses any authority, even in a partial sense. God is the Giver as well as the Depriver. He is the one who bestows and takes away. This recognition reminds a person of his complete helplessness, leaving him with no option but to surrender himself entirely before God.


Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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