The Change in the Age

Today believers can carry out the divine mission in an atmosphere of religious freedom using all global opportunities.

In Chapter 24 of the Quran, the believers have been told that God will cause their fear to be replaced by a state of security. (24:55)

In this verse of the Quran, the change that has been mentioned relates not only to political change or to change in the times. It is the change of the age that is referred to in this verse. It means the revolution that came through Islam in the first phase, as a result of which a process was set in human history. This process will finally reach the point where peace will replace the age of fear in this world. Subsequently, the believers will be able to carry out the mission of monotheism in an atmosphere of religious freedom, whereas in former times, they had to do so in an atmosphere of religious persecution.

In the 20th century, this change came about in a complete sense. The 21st century is the culmination point of this historical process. Now war and violence have become irrelevant to achieve anything. So now, if the believers face a situation of fear again, it will be only because of their wrong policies rather than because of the circumstances of the age.

This change in the age lends enormous support to the peaceful mission. However, those who do not understand this truth will continue to engage in violent activities, thus proving that they are blind to the opportunities now available. This blindness is so severe that it has been defined in the Quran as kufr (denial).

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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