Introduction of the Word of God

The Brothers of the Prophet are responsible for introducing the word of God into every home using modern means of communication and technology.

What the Brothers of the Prophet have to do can briefly be called introducing the word of God (idkhal-e-kalima) into every home. These are the wordings of the Hadith: God will introduce the word of Islam into every home (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith No. 23814). This shows that God Himself will introduce the word of God. This means that God Himself will provide all the necessary resources for the global idkhal-e-kalima. Therefore, this whole process of conveying the divine message will be facilitated by God Himself. The Brothers of the Prophet will be fortunate enough to become a conscious part of this process.

Calling people to God is always done by special divine succour. During the last phase of human history, God’s special succour will also accomplish the dawah work. In this matter, nothing less than a miracle can be the means of divine succour. In ancient times, dawah work was performed through miracles. In modern times, this miraculous support of God will present itself in the form of cause and effect, that is, through the opportunity explosion consequent upon historical processes.

There is no gainsaying that in ancient times, dayees were given divine succour through miracles. Now that same help has been provided to the dayees of modern times in the form of change itself. If the ancient believers were given this succour only as temporary miracles, then today’s believers will receive this succour due to the propitiousness of the age.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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