Power of Peaceful Ideology

The present dawah possibilities can be availed of only by those who are mature in their awareness and use the power of peace to take the divine message worldwide.

There is another prediction of the Prophet: “When Qaisar (Caesar), the Emperor, is killed, there will be no Emperor., And when the Kisra (Persian Emperor) is killed, there will be no Kisra”. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 6630)

What we have been told in this Hadith relates not just to the end of the life of one king or emperor but to the end of an age. In this Hadith, what has been predicted is that after the Islamic Revolution, a new process will set in in the world’s political history, culminating in ending the dynastic age and replacing it with the age of democracy.

Similarly, another Hadith predicts the following: “The believers will advance till they reach a city. They will wage war neither with weapons nor with arrows. They will only say: “There is no god but God, God is great” (La-ilaha-illallah, wallah-u-akbar), and the walls of the city will fall until they enter the city.” (Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 2920)

In these traditions, there are predictions. This means that a new process will set in in human history. The culmination of this process will bring the age of dictatorship to an end; that is, that age will come to an end when political power is the real power. Subsequently, circumstances will change, and ideology will ascend to the position of power. Through peaceful intellectual struggle, it will be possible to achieve all those goals which earlier could be achieved only by political power.

This revolutionary age has set in in the world in the complete sense. In present times, on the one hand, decentralization of power has become a reality. But, on the other hand, today, that age has ended when power was only in the hands of the political ruler. Now every man can work to achieve his goals, even without a political seat. That is, without using weapons, people can achieve their desired goals through the power of peace.

In this way, this prediction has become a reality in present times. Those who rise with the divine mission can enter the people’s hearts without armed struggle. Therefore, this prediction of the Prophet can be put in these words: “The end of the age of the sword, the beginning of the age of dawah.”

In the 21st century, the believer must discover this historical change and perform dawah work globally by availing of modern possibilities. In modern times, an excellent dawah possibility has come into existence. But this great possibility can be availed of only by those who can become intellectual inheritors who are mature in their awareness.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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