Importance of Peace

The world built by the Creator is in a state of peace according to the system of creation itself. Therefore, man is only required to maintain this natural state.

The two main points of the message of the Prophet of Islam are monotheism and peace. In relation to God, it was desired that man make God his sole object of worship and that he should lead his life in the world according to divine commands. This is mentioned in the Quran repeatedly, especially in Chapter 7, verses 59-128, and Chapter 26, verses 105-180.

The other aspect of this prophetic guidance coming from God was that man should lead his life in this world peacefully. In the eyes of God, what is the concept of peace? It is that man should live in this world following nature’s plan. The system of nature created by God should not be disrupted. This command has been set forth in the Quran: “A clear sign has indeed come to you from your Lord. So give full measure and full weight, and do not deliver short. Do not corrupt the land after it has been set in order. This is for your good if you are true believers.” (7:85)

Peace is necessary for all kinds of constructive activities. What is peace? Peace is not something that has yet to be established. The system of nature is wholly based on peace. The world built by the Creator is in itself in a state of peace according to the system of creation itself. Man is only required to maintain this natural state of peace. If a man maintains this system of nature, there is reform, but if man disturbs this system of nature, it leads to corruption (fasaad).

Man has been warned in the Quran that if he disrupts the system of nature, it will result in the pollution of the world. Air pollution, water pollution, and similar things will be produced, and the world will become uninhabitable for man. As a result of human activities leading to such corruption, the Quran gives this warning: “Corruption has appeared on land and sea because of the evil which men’s hands have done: and so He will make them taste the fruit of some of their doings, so that they may turn back from evil.” (30:41)

In ancient times, all the prophets who came to humanity drew people’s attention to these two realities: monotheism and peace, but strangely, they could not take these prophets as their guide. People humiliated the prophets and ignored them. This state of affairs is mentioned in the Quran: “Alas for human beings! They ridicule every messenger that comes to them.” (36:30)

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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