Greatest Witness

The 21st century offers excellent opportunities for dawah. Today’s believers are duty-bound to avail of them to perform their dawah role in the last phase of history.

A Hadith mentions the emergence of Dajjal and says that when he appears, one of the believers will come out to challenge him. This believer will have no weapon, no sword but, by the grace of God, by his argument, or evidence, he will prevail upon the Dajjal. These are the words of the Hadith, “This would be the greatest witness of history in the eyes of God.” (Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 2938)

This is neither a simple matter nor is it something mysterious. It is indeed a culmination of that long historical process, as a result of which a believer will find an opportunity to end the menace of the greatest Dajjal (Satanic Fitnah) by the power of argument and without using weapons. The fact that this kind of  opportunity will come into existence for the first time is why this  work of later times has been described in the Hadith as ‘the greatest witness.’

Because this excellent  opportunity has become a reality in the 21st century, today’s believers are duty-bound to discover these modern possibilities. Using all these opportunities and peaceful planning, we should perform this significant dawah role that history has long awaited.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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