Today believers must stand so that the divine call, integral to the divine plan, may be issued with complete proofs before Doomsday.

Recorded in the books of Hadith, there is a prediction made by the Prophet of Islam: “God will certainly support His religion even by the non-believers.” (Sahih Al Bukhari, Hadith No. 3062)

This prediction relates to a particular period of history when the revolution brought about by the Prophet and his Companions caused a new process to set in. The target of this activity was to bring about such a change in the course of events as would facilitate Islamic dawah being performed at the highest level. All the possible means of global communication of the divine truths were to come into existence so that the believers of later times might give the call to accept the fact to the fullest extent with all the proofs and evidence required.

This plan was not an ordinary one. It amounted to revolutionising the course of history. This meant that the traditional age, which had prevailed for several thousand years, would have to be replaced with a new age. It was the age which is generally known as the scientific age. To bring this age into existence was no simple matter. It was a feat of magnitude that the believers could never have performed by themselves. The need of the hour was that the entire humanity should support this task, and even the secularists should participate in this mission. It is this general human activity that is alluded to in this Tradition.

In present times, this prediction has been fulfilled. After a long historical process, all those factors have become a reality that supports dawah work. Now it is an ineluctable necessity for believers to understand this change in the times and avail of it to call people to accept the truth so that in this modern age, the divine call, which is integral to the divine plan, may be issued with complete proofs and take place before Doomsday.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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