Role of the Ikhwan in the 21st Century

The Brothers of the Prophet must understand the modern age and, by availing of current opportunities, they should play that role that has been destined for them.

In 1982, I wrote and published a 208-page book titled ‘The Prophet of Revolution’ on the life of the Prophet. It was later published as ‘Muhammad: A Prophet for All Humanity.’ It is presently available under the title, ‘The Life of Muhammad.’ The last chapter of this Book elaborates on two big groups that will perform a significant historic role in the prophetic mission. The following is a relevant excerpt:

“One of the incidents that occurred during the battle of Badr is related in biographies of the Prophet as follows: On the field of Badr, the powerful opponents of Islam, who vastly outnumbered the Muslims, bore down on the Prophet and his Companions. Because the Muslims were far weaker than their enemies, the Prophet, overwhelmed by the intensity of his own emotions, cast himself at the feet of his Lord and cried, “Lord, if this group of believers is destroyed, You will never be worshipped again on earth.” (Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 1763)

This was no exaggeration. The fact was that those three hundred and thirteen souls who had to face this onslaught of the opponents of Islam at Badr were no ordinary group of people. On the contrary, although outwardly weak and ill-equipped, they represented the culmination of two thousand five hundred years of history.

A group like this is required today. The only ones who can make up such a group are people who are deeply aware of the divine scheme, which has been unfolding over the last one thousand years and has set their hearts and minds with determination on playing their role in it; who are so strong and unwavering in their commitment to the task at hand that they will go to any length and make any sacrifice, to see it through to completion. Such is the true “party of God, and it is the party of God that shall triumph” (The Quran, 58.22). They shall have to become the cog in the wheel of God, and only then will they reach their destination.” (Muhammad: A Prophet for All Humanity, p. 125 (New Delhi: Goodword Books, 2014)

In this, two groups—Isaaba—are mentioned. The first group is known as the Companions of the Prophet, and the second group has been mentioned in a prediction by the Prophet. In a Hadith, this second group is called the Brothers of the Prophet. The Companions of the Prophet are the group who played their well-known historic role in the 7th century A.D. The Brothers of the Prophet will probably be the group that will play the role required of it in the 21st century.

Playing this role of the Ikhwan is no simple matter. The formation of such a group is always the culmination of a long historical process. The Companions of the Prophet culminated a two thousand-five-hundred-year-old history. Similarly, the Brothers of the Prophet will culminate in a long historical process spanning over one thousand five hundred years. The first group of the Companions of the Prophet played their role under the guidance of the Prophet. Repeatedly, it was not very clear to the Companions what they had to do when faced with new situations. Then God sent revelations to Prophet Muhammad, and he guided the Companions by those revelations. One example of this is the signing of the Hudaybiyyah treaty. At that time, none of the Companions could understand what to do in such a delicate situation. Finally, under the guidance of the Prophet, a decision was reached. Similarly, the fundamental role of the Companions was carried out under the direction of the Prophet.

The matter of the second group of Brothers of the Prophet is somewhat different. The role of the Brothers of the Prophet will be wholly based on ijtihad. They shall have to study the situation thoroughly, discover their role, and then act accordingly and be held deserving of the status of the Brothers of the Prophet. In this matter, only two things would be helpful for the Brothers of the Prophet: dua (prayer) and ijtihad.

I have thought deeply about this subject. I have endeavoured to read all the relevant literature on this topic. Moreover, I have spent my days and nights praying to God. After these continuous efforts, I have concluded that, in the 21st century, all those circumstances have come fully into evidence that is required for the Brothers of the Prophet to play the historical role. In my estimation, the waiting time is over, and the time for action has come.

Chapter 105 and Chapter 106 are twin chapters of the Quran. These chapters were revealed in the initial period in Makkah at about the same time. Therefore, both these chapters were like good news for the Companions of the Prophet.

The Companions of the Prophet were told what their role was in these chapters of the Quran, and they were also told that God was at their side. Therefore, the Companions of the Prophet are part of a great divine plan. God had provided all the resources they needed in advance so that they could fulfill their desired role best with that support.

Chapter 105 mentions the safeguarding of the Kabah. The Kabah was that historical building destined to become a global center for the Islamic movement based on monotheism. For this purpose, God miraculously saved the Kabah from the attack planned by Abraha. It was only later that it became possible for the Companions of the Prophet to bring about a revolution based on monotheism by making the Kabah and Makkah, the city of peace, its centre.

In Chapter 105, the Quraysh are promised special divine succour. Who were these Quraysh? They were the people from the progeny of Prophet Ishmael to be selected as the future Companions of Prophet Muhammad. God desired their safety and security, so they supported the Prophet of Islam, the final Prophet, and played the historic role destined for them. God specially provided for their security, provided them with food lest they go hungry, and saved them from fear. (106:4)

These two chapters of the Quran directly mention that historical event relating to the Companions of the Prophet. Moreover, these two chapters also indirectly mention events that were going to take place subsequently in connection with the Brothers of the Prophet, that is, on the one hand, the provision of a centre of activity for the Brothers of the Prophet and, on the other hand, the opening of the doors of opportunity for them. On further perusal, we learn that this promise of divine succour has potentially become a reality. Hazrat Umar said regarding the Prophet’s Companions: “Whoever would like to be one of those chosen people, let him fulfill God’s condition.” (Tafsir Al-Tabari, Vol. 5, p. 673)

What was said by Umar Farooq regarding the Companions of the Prophet in ancient times can be applied in modern times as well; that is, those who want the good fortune of being included in the group of the Brothers of the Prophet ought to understand the modern age and, by availing of current opportunities, they should play that role which has been destined for them as Brothers of the Prophet.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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