Journey of God-Realisation

The world which will unfold after Doomsday will be the Rabbani civilisation in which the virtuous will be lodged in Paradise.

The Quran states: “If all the trees on earth were pens, and the sea [were] ink, with seven [more] seas added to it, the words of God would not be exhausted.” (31:27)

‘The words of God’ in this verse means what is referred to as ‘the wonders of God’ (7:185) at another place in the Quran. The Quran tells us that man has been created to worship God. (51:56)

Abdullah ibn Abbas, the commentator of the Quran, explains the word worship as the realisation of God. (Al Mujalasah wa Jawahir al-‘Ilm, Vol. 2, p. 225) The truth is that God has created man as a unique creation; man has been given a cogitative mind which has not been given to any other creature. It is required of man to discover the wonders of God and, by contemplation, perusal, and deep thinking, acknowledge them in the spirit of astonishment. This verse of the Quran clarifies that the divine purpose in creating man was for him to discover and appreciate the wonders of God.

The journey of civilisation is, in fact, the journey of this discovery of realisation, but before even less than one percent has been achieved, this journey has reached its limit. Standing on the threshold of Doomsday, the situation is that the words of God, or wonders of God, which are unending, have yet to be discovered. Then, can history end without these discoveries and God’s words being undiscovered? This is impossible. This plan of creation must be fulfilled—completing the light, as mentioned in Chapter 61, verse 8, “They wish to put His light out with their mouths. But He will perfect His light, much as those who deny the truth may dislike it.” This act of the completion of light (itmam-e-noor, 61:8) will reach its culmination, and that divine prediction will become a reality which has been thus alluded to in the Quran: “The earth will shine with the light of its Lord.” (39:69)

The world which will be created after Doomsday will be a continuation of the process of unfolding of this godly Rabbani civilisation. It will be an ongoing process. The present world is a world of trial. Here the virtuous as well as the wicked people are living together. After Doomsday, they will be separated from each other. The wicked will remain in a state of eternal deprivation, while the virtuous will be lodged in that perfect, ideal world known as Paradise, where they will continue to unfold the wonders of God.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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