Ideological Ascendency of God-Centered Religion

Believers must ensure that all the opportunities for dawah work available to humanity today are availed of to spread the divine religion to all humanity.

Chapter 8, verse 39 of the Quran, revealed in Madinah, foretold how, by the struggle of the Companions of the Prophet, a new historical process would be set in motion. This process would be completed as a religion that would become wholly for God. This did not mean religion as a political goal but rather an ideological ascendancy; that is, every other religion, except for the religion of God, would be left without ideological justification.

In modern times, this event has become a reality. The present world is a testing ground; therefore, it could never happen before Doomsday that freedom should be taken away from people. In the past and today, man had the choice of using his freedom properly or misusing it. But as far as ideological justification is concerned, it will remain in place only for the divine religion and no other religion. This revolutionary process began thanks to the Companions’ efforts in the 7th century A.D. It reached its culmination in the 20th century. Now, we are in the 21st century. The task we have to undertake in the 21st century is to ensure that all the opportunities for dawah work, that are open to humanity today, are availed of to the utmost possible extent.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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