Second Period of the History of the Universe

The second phase of the history of the universe can be called the intellectual phase.

The first six periods of the universe’s history were physical or material. Then began the second period of this history. This second phase can be called the intellectual phase of the universe’s history. This period can also be divided into six periods. These six periods are:

  1. The Age of the Prophets
  2. The Age of the Ishmaelites
  3. The Age of the Companions of the Prophet
  4. The Age of Muslim Civilisation
  5. The Age of Western Civilisation
  6. The Age of Ikhwan-e-Rasool (Brothers of the Prophet)

Let us understand these periods and the role of dayees in them.

Age of the Prophets

The age of the prophets began with Adam, who was the first human being as well as the first prophet. (We do not know the exact history of the birth of man on the planet Earth). This period ended with Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib, the last prophet. The Quran mentions twenty-five prophets. But the Bible mentions more prophets who belonged to the Israelites. However, out of all the teachings of the prophets, only the teachings of Prophet Muhammad—the Quran and Sunnah—are preserved, making the religion brought by the Prophet Muhammad the only authentic source of divine guidance and will be valid till Doomsday.

Age of the Ishmaelites

The period of Banu Ishmael, or Ishmaelites, began with Prophet Abraham settling his wife Hajira and his son Ishmael in the desert of Arabia. This event took place two thousand five hundred years before the advent of the Prophet of Islam. Its purpose was to produce a new generation in Arabia, the descendants of which would, centuries later, provide a social framework fit for the Prophet of Islam to be born into. This plan succeeded in full. Into this generation of the Banu Ishmael, the Prophet of Islam was born, and it was this generation, or race, which gave the Prophet a team in the form of his Companions that ushered in a new age in history.

Age of the Companions of the Prophet

The Companions of the Prophet Muhammad have a unique position in the history of the prophets. Working in unison, they performed this remarkable feat in the history of bringing the mission of dawah from the stage of preaching to the phase of the revolution. Thanks to the efforts of the Companions of the Prophet, a new process was initiated. This historical process resulted in the later social, political and scientific revolutions.

Age of the Muslim Civilisation

The age of the Muslim civilisation signifies the period which began after the revolution brought about by the Prophet and his Companions. This age began in Makkah and Madina, then spread to Damascus and Baghdad, finally reaching Western Europe. Hence, this is known as the age of Muslim civilisation.

In this age, nature became a subject of investigation. Everything was given a rational explanation, and nature was harnessed for human needs. Those stars, considered deities and worshipped, were subjected to study and observation, and several astrolabes were established in various Muslim cities. Historians have acknowledged this role of the Muslim civilisation in clear terms. For instance, Robert Briffault writes: “It is highly probable that but for the Arabs modern European civilisation would never have arisen at all.” (The Making of Humanity, p. 190)

Age of Western Civilisation

The age of Western civilisation is generally known as the age of the revival of ancient Greek civilisation. But this attribution is incorrect. The truth is that modern Western civilisation is, in fact, a revival of the ancient Muslim civilisation. This is because Western civilisation completed those scientific findings, which originated in the age of Muslim civilisation. By discovering the laws of nature, Western civilisation opened up at the highest level all the possibilities of Islamic dawah and proved at the highest level the veracity of Islam. Perhaps it is this historical event the prediction of which was made and recorded in the traditions in these words:

“God will certainly support this religion by the secular people.” (Sahih al Bukhari, Hadith No. 3062)

The support of religion mentioned in this Tradition is that which was the result of the coming into existence of modern civilisation, that is, at the level of thought and action, all the opportunities would be opened up for the preserved religion. The first phase of supporting religion materialised during the Muslim civilisation, and the second phase of supporting religion, thanks to Western civilisation.

Age of Ikhwan-e-Rasool

Ikhwan-e-Rasool (Brothers of the Prophet) is the second group from the ummah of the Prophet Muhammad, which will perhaps appear in the 21st century, before Doomsday, during the last period of human history. Whatever circumstances prevail in the 21st century, they will engage in the same struggles performed in the 7th century by the Companions of the Prophet according to extant circumstances. In their times, the Prophet’s Companions inherited a two thousand-five-hundred-year span of human history. When their time comes, the Brothers of the Prophet will inherit one thousand-five-hundred-year span of human history.

The Companions of the Prophet did not engage in some mysterious activity but discovered the opportunities available in their times and, by using them, fulfilled the divine plan meant for humanity. So, likewise, the Brothers of the Prophet will profit from whatever opportunities present themselves in their times to realise God’s plan for humanity.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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