خبرنامہ اسلامی مرکز— 254
- مسٹرساجد انور (ممبئی) سی پی ایس کے ایک بہت فعال ممبر ہیں۔ ان کی دعوت کا ایک طریقہ یہ ہے کہ وہ مختلف لوگوں کو سی پی ایس ویب سائٹ (www.cpsglobal.org)کے سبسکرپشن پیج سے منسلک کردیتے ہیں۔ یا سی پی ایس کے واٹس ایپ نمبر (9999944119)سے متصل کردیتے ہیں۔اس طرح ان کو سی پی ایس سے وزڈم کی باتیں ملتی رہتی ہیں، جو ان کے لیے رہنمائی کا کام کرتی ہیں۔ ذیل میں ایک تاثر دیا جارہا ہے، جو ان کے ایک دوست نے ان کو لکھا ہے:
Hello Sajid ji, hope you and your family are doing well. Nowadays I am missing your earlier regular Blogs from Maulana Wahiduddin Khan about a movement based on love, not hate. Are you still getting them regularly?? If so, please share with me. (A Shyamala Murtha, GAIL [India] Limited)
- صدر اسلامی مرکز کے سوال و جواب پر مبنی مضامین اب سوال و جواب کی مشہور شوشل نیٹ ورکنگ ویب سائٹ کورا (Quora) پر آنا شروع ہوگئے ہیں (لنک اس خبر نامہ کے آخر میں موجود ہے)۔ اس سلسلہ میں ایک تاثر دیا جارہا ہے، جو مسٹر وجئےراج کامت نےکورا پر لکھا ہے:
Absolute joy to see you on Quora, sir! I have been a fan of yours ever since I read your article on the sacred space in The Times of India. Really need more voices of reason and patience on this site, when it comes to providing perspectives on Islam, peace, identity, wars, etc. Big welcome! I have reported your joining on the Quora Indian writers’ forum. Will try my best to socialize your answers as much as possible. (Vijayraj Kamat, speaker, author and life coach)
- کیرالا میں مسٹر شبیر علی، الرسالہ مشن کو پھیلا رہے ہیں۔ انھوں ایک صاحب کو ملیالم زبان میں ملیالم ترجمۂ قرآن اور کچھ دعوتی لٹریچر بھیجا تھا۔ اس کا تاثرخود مسٹر شبیر علی کےالفاظ میں درج ذیل ہے:
We have received several responses from Keralites after reading the Malayalam translation of Maulana’s What is Islam. Today I received this message from a young educated person: Thank you, I’m really pleased to receive and read this insightful book. It is a small book with comprehensive knowledge about Islam, spirituality and its practice. The presentation, structure of paragraphs and progress of subjects itself prove the scholarly achievements and spirituality of Great Maulana. I guess you have translated this book. Insha Allah, I will get few of these to gift to some of my friends who I believe will benefit from it. Reading this book was a joy and I believe it has increased my faith. I have got 21 Quran translations and am successfully passing on to those who deserve it with prudence. (Shabeer Ali, Kozhikode)
- آج کے دور میں ہر سنجیدہ انسان قرآن کو پڑھنا چاہتا ہے۔ اس سلسلے میں ایک امریکن عیسائی نن کا تاثر ذیل میں دیا گیا ہے، جو اس بات کے لیے کافی ہے کہ دعوت کا کام ہر پیمانے پر ہونا چاہیے:
I am a Catholic nun and want to study the Quran to understand what Muslim people are truly taught. I firmly believe that violence never brings peace. Thank you for your consideration. Peace and Allah’s Blessings upon your work for peace. (Mary Fisher, Blanco, New Mexico, USA)
- امریکا میں دعوت کا کام تیزی سے بڑھ رہا ہے۔ خواجہ کلیم الدین صاحب (موبائل 617-960-7156) امریکا اور کناڈا میں سی پی ایس مشن کے تحت دعوتی کام کو پھیلا رہے ہیں۔اس سلسلے میں امریکا سے خواجہ کلیم الدین صاحب لکھتے ہیں:
1. The demand for the Quran has increased manifold with the change of political climate here. Two people, one brother from Florida and one sister from Mississippi, who had requested free Quran online are now working to spread the message of God on their own in their respective areas among their friends and families . (Khaja Kaleemuddin, Pennsylvania, USA)
2. Thank you very much for the beautiful books brother Khaja! I have added these books to my personal library to read and study them. The extra copies, I will distribute to my family! I have distributed about 9 packages of Maulana's books to my coworkers, neighbours, and to several other people in my neighborhood! It’s been a wonderful experience and opportunity spreading the message of God’s creation plan with people! I really enjoy my dawah work, and I acknowledge that I am growing and improving in my faith, spirituality, and building a stronger, closer relationship with God! Presently, I’m in the process of connecting with clinics, hospitals, and community centers to conduct my dawah work by distributing Maulana Wahiduddin Khan’s books! (Yvette Francine Gray, Greenville, Mississippi, USA)
- ذیل کا تاثر خواجہ کلیم الدین صاحب (امریکا)نے بھیجا ہے، جو ان کو قرآن ملنے پر مس مارلی نےلکھا تھا:
Good morning, I received my package this past Saturday and wanted to thank you very much. The Quran is so beautiful and I didn't expect to be blessed with all the other books. Thank you so much and may Allah bless you! (Marieli Agosto, Texas)
- دعوت کی راہ میں خدا کی مدد کیسے آتی ہے، اس سلسلے میں درج ذیل واقعہ کو دیکھیے۔یہ واقعہ مس سیما جلال کے ساتھ پیش آیا جو کہ ڈاکٹر نغمہ صدیقی کی بہن ہیں۔ واضح رہے کہ یہ پوری فیملی اپنے جان اور مال اور وقت سے سی پی ایس کا دعوتی مشن آگے بڑھانے میں لگی ہوئی ہے۔
I went to visit a friend, who had recently lost her husband. She is an elderly lady, in her late sixties. There were other ladies there. Each was trying to give their advice on how to cope with grief. In the discussion, they started mentioning their respective gurus. I also spoke about CPS and Maulana—that he has written books on spirituality and his articles regularly come in the Speaking Tree. At this, my friend replied that she had a book, which was published recently, containing various articles from the Speaking Tree. While she was speaking, I started going through the book to find Maulana’s article. She was saying that we take life for granted. Before she could finish the sentence, I opened a page in the book. This had Maulana’s article titled ‘Taking Life for Granted’. Both of us were amazed. She said: "What just happened was very strange, and she was deeply touched.'' I then gave her the pamphlet The Reality of Life. I had been trying to find an opportunity to give it to her, and through this incident God made it easy. (Seema Jalal, Dubai)
- مس سیما جلال نے یہ دوسرا تاثر بھی لکھا ہے:
Dear Seema, Allah bless you for gifting to me the precious book titled Quranic Wisdom by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan. Being a slow reader in order to absorb what I am reading, I have read half of the book and have decided to gift this book to known people who have even a little inclination to read for development of their positive spirituality and for my selfish reason of spreading Quranic wisdom in the simplest narrative reflected in our daily life and thereby earn the blessings of Allah. Allah in his kindness provided to me the opportunity to read innumerable commentaries and interpretation of the Quran, listen to the learned and discuss with the knowledgeable in the Quran, Hadith and Islamic jurisprudence mostly from the Middle East and I continue to learn from such reading, listening and interaction. However, the aspect or the theme of the Quran associated with spirituality is a discovery and applicable to daily life. This I intend to share with others through the book. In the age of Whatsapp, the span of attention in reading is limited and perhaps Maulana, in his wisdom, wrote each chapter such that it can be read in ten minutes, which should be acceptable to Whatsapp addicts. I advise you to first make your family read the book and advise to whoever you gift the book to read maximum for thirty minutes or minimum ten minutes daily. May Allah shower His blessings on you and your family and guide all to attain positive spirituality. (Hayat Yar Khan)
- صدر اسلامی مرکز کی ایک نئی انگریزی کتاب شائع ہوئی ہے۔ یہ کتاب صدراسلامی مرکز کے مختلف مضامین کا مجموعہ ہے۔ اس کتاب کو پڑھنے کے بعد ایک صاحب، مسٹر جیوا بہت متاثر ہوئے، اور اس کا تامل زبان میں ترجمہ کردیا۔ درج ذیل تاثر سی پی ایس (تامل ناڈو)کی ٹیم نے دیا ہے، جن کو مسٹر جیوا نے اس سلسلے میں انوائٹ کیا تھا:
As you know, Non-Violence and Peace-Building in Islam has been penned by Maulana few months ago. Its book review appeared in the ‘Sarvodhya’ magazine. After reading that, one Dr. Jeeva called us from Erode, one of the cities of Tamil Nadu. He immediately contacted us to have a copy of the book. We supplied him the book and he was quite impressed with it. We were unaware that he himself later translated this entire book into Tamil and posted the manuscript at our Chennai CPS address. We were very impressed and sought his appointment. By that time, we learned that he is a Gandhian activist and a well-known philanthropist. He has written and translated more than 100 books and devoted his life to setting up hospitals for poor as co-operative societies. CPS members Syed Iqbal Umeri, Khateeb Asrarul Hasan and Faiz Qadiri met Dr. Jeeva at his residence. He welcomed us. He has introduced CPS to many top personalities and writers of Tamil Nadu. He translated Maulana’s book on non-violence within 10 days. We are about to publish the book shortly.
- الرسالہ جولائی 2017 ری پلاننگ کے موضوع پر ایک اسپیشل نمبر تھا، جس کے ذریعہ صدر اسلامی مرکز نے مسلمانوں کو یہ رہنمائی دی کہ آج کے دور میں ان کو اپنی منصوبہ بندی کو تبدیل کرنا چاہیے۔ الرسالہ کے اس اسپیشل نمبر کو پڑھنے کے بعداندور کے مسٹر شکیل احمد نے درج ذیل تاثر دیاہے:
Al-Risala of July 2017 is the most refined and eye opening issue for one and all. Jazak Allah Maulana for guiding us in the right direction. How intelligently you have collected and placed all respective historical events one after another to enlighten us in respect of current burning issues of Muslim world! When I finished reading it, I cried: “Alas! May God endow our so-called Muslim leaders with the importance of re-planning. They must take a U-turn in all current burning issues.” I felt a thrill within me. I wanted to become a source of forwarding a copy of this issue and distribute it as free gift to all Muslims in my city of Indore, as a free gift. Once again I thank Maulana from the core of my heart for his precious writings and enlightenment and pray to God Almighty to bless him with a long life and good health! (Shakeel Ahmed, Indore)
- دعوتی دورہ:ممبئی ٹیم تسلسل کے ساتھ دعوتی سفر کررہی ہے۔ اس سلسلے میں ان کا آنے والا دعوتی سفر سہارنپور، یوپی کا ہوگا۔ یہ دعوۃ میٹ 20-21اکتوبر 2017 کو منعقد ہوگا۔اس دعوہ میٹ میں شرکت کےخواہش مند حضرات اس نمبررابطہ قائم کرسکتے ہیں: ڈاکٹر محمد اسلم خان، 9997153735۔
- صدر اسلامی مرکز کے انگریزی مضامین اور سوال و جواب کے لیے وزٹ کیجیے: