One of God’s attributes is that He is the Creator of the universe. Another of His features is that He is the Omniscient. The Quran says:
“Is He who created the heavens and earth unable to create others like these people? Of course, He is! He is indeed the Supreme Creator, the All-Knowing” (36:81)
In this verse, just as ‘Khallāq’ refers to the Great Creator, ‘Allām’ similarly refers to the Great Knower. This implies that Allah, the Lord of the worlds, is both the Great Creator and the All-Knower.
The universe that God created is itself proof of the fact that God is the Supreme Creator and the All-Knowing One. A verse of the Quran indicates this fact in the following words:
“Do not those who deny the truth see that the heavens and the earth were joined together and that We then split them asunder?” (21:30)
The word ‘Ratq’ mentioned in the above verse means joined together, and ‘Fatq’ means to tear apart. At the beginning of this verse, the words “Do not those who deny the truth see” appear. This verse indicates that the phenomenon of the heavens and the earth being “joined together” and then being “split asunder” that the verse refers to is, for man, something known at the level of observation. Moreover, in the 20th century, this event became known at the scientific level due to a scientific discovery known as the Big Bang. According to modern scientific findings, the Big Bang occurred in space 13.8 billion years ago. The details of this event that science has discovered testify to what the Quran says in the verse quoted above.
The Big Bang is scientific evidence that the One who brought this universe into being is the Great Creator and the All-Knower. Had He not been so, the universe’s coming into being would have been impossible. The words ‘Khallāq’ used for the Creator and ‘Allām’ used for the All-Knowing are not only the news of birth but also the evidence of the knowledge of the event of birth.
The cosmic phenomenon that science has discovered reveals that approximately 13.8 billion years ago, a massive cosmic ball suddenly appeared in space. Within this super cosmic ball existed all the particles that would eventually combine to form the universe as we know it today. Then, a tremendous explosion occurred within this super cosmic ball, causing its particles to scatter throughout space at an extraordinary speed. If these particles had continued to disperse at such a high velocity, the formation of the present universe would have been impossible, as they would have remained too widely spread apart to come together.
However, scientific research demonstrates that the speed of the particle dispersion slowed down in the first fleeting fraction of a second after the explosion occurred in the super cosmic ball. This reduction in the speed played a crucial role, allowing the scattered particles to begin recombining. As a result of their reassembly, stars, galaxies, the solar system, and other celestial bodies came into existence.
This event suggests that the entity responsible for initiating the explosion within the superatom possessed immense power and knowledge. The Creator had prior knowledge of this occurrence and skillfully planned its unfolding. If this entity had not possessed foreknowledge of this event, which transpired within a fraction of a second, all planning would have been in vain, rendering the existence of the universe impossible. This scientific discovery serves as undeniable evidence of the existence of a Creator and the vast knowledge of the Lord of the worlds.