Perhaps the greatest tragedy of human history is that man has remained deprived of the realization of God. The path to realizing God is through contemplation of His creation.  Before the modern scientific age, man knew little about God’s creations. And so, in ancient times, this framework to arrive at the realization of God was not available.

In the modern age following the scientific revolution, man obtained a higher framework for the realization of God, whose prior intimation was given in the Quran  in these words:

“We shall show them Our signs in the universe and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that this is the Truth.” (41:53)

But in this same period, when the universal or scientific framework emerged, the Muslims of the whole world fell victim to negative thinking due to political reaction. In this way, they were deprived of positive thinking.

Because no scientific framework was available for ancient man, it was challenging for him to realize God at a higher level. But despite the emergence of a scientific framework in the modern age, man could not realize God. The reason for this was that modern man was bereft of positive thinking. This was undoubtedly man’s most significant loss. A higher realization of God is the greatest blessing for every human being. It is possible that every human being can reach this level of realization. However, the condition for this is that they must protect themselves entirely from negative thinking. Those who fulfil this condition will succeed in arriving at higher levels of God-realization.

It is a tragedy of history that most people, based on some issue or the other, have fallen prey to negative thinking. As they could not develop positive thinking, they could not realize God.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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