There are innumerable things in the universe, each in some divisible form. The atom was believed to be the basic unit of the universe, a single and individual entity. In Einstein’s time, when the atom was split, it was discovered that it was not a singular entity but a compound comprising what is now known as subatomic particles.
In the modern age, everything has been the object of scientific research, from which we have learned that there are always several options in the arrangement of matter. However, the study of science tells us that nature always selects only that formulation that is precisely in coherence with the overall scheme of the universe. This is why everything appears to have taken its final shape.
This principle operative in the universe can be summed up in a single phase: intelligent design. There are billions and trillions of things in this world, but everything, without exception, serves as an example of this thoughtful design. This principle is so universal that a Nobel prize-winning physicist, Dr. Fred Hoyle, wrote a 200-page book supporting this thesis. It is titled, ‘The Intelligent Universe.’
This phenomenal aspect of the universe is no simple matter; it is the ultimate proof of God’s existence. In the making of the universe, the presence of intelligence is proof of an Intelligent Creator. Logically, it is unthinkable that intelligent action should exist without an intelligent actor. Both are, without doubt, inextricably related to one another.
Believing in intelligent action and then denying an intelligent actor is similar to believing in a complex machine but denying the existence of the engineer who made it. Dr. Fred Hoyle has rightly pointed out in his book that the Christian church’s violent opposition to scientists during the early development of science still affects people’s minds. They are afraid that if they acknowledge scientific proof of the existence of the Intelligent Creator, ancient religious persecution might return. But this is a baseless fear. After the scientific acknowledgement of the wise Creator, what will remain the force in history will be a true divine religion rather than the tenets of the Christian church.
Two Options
We have two ways of explaining the universe’s extraordinary order: design and proportion. One theory posited for this is that this universe is its designer. However, all scientific research refutes this claim. The design or order discovered by science in the universe is a brilliant design. On the other hand, science also tells us that the universe has everything save what is called intelligence. The universe discovered by science is, at the same time, a designed universe in the total sense, and along with this, it is non-intelligent. In such a situation, regarding the world to be its designer is like supposing a stone statue with a meaningful design to have been its designer. That is to say that the statue is a self-created being.
We have only one option for explaining the universe: to hold some outside agency as the cause of the design in the universe. There is no other acceptable option.
The Only Choice
The truth is that, in this matter, we do not have a choice between a Godless universe and a universe with God. Instead, we can choose from the options: ‘a universe with God’ or ‘no universe at all.’ That is to say that if we deny God, we shall also have to deny the universe’s existence. Since we cannot deny the existence of the universe, we are compelled to accept the existence of God.
One of the principles of rationality is that where there is essentially only one option, we have to recognize the compulsiveness of the situation. That is, we are compelled to make just that one choice. However, it is possible to go against this only when more than one possible course of action is available. However, we inevitably accept that single choice when no other option exists. In this context, the only thing to do is accept the existence of God as a reality. Because, except for acknowledgement of the existence of God, there is no other possible choice.
Logical Argument
To understand anything rationally, man’s most important tool is logic. Through logic, any valid argument may be made understandable. There are two important kinds of reasoning. One is by optional logic, and the other is by compulsive logic. Both of these logical methods are equally reliable. Using either of the two logical methods, we can prove any valid theory. Optional logic is one in which man has many choices. In such a case, we have different means by which we can make one choice and leave aside the others. Compulsive logic is when a man has only one option. In this case, man is compelled to accept the single choice, for no other choice is available.
Selective Logic or Optional Logic
Another name for optional logic is selective logic. Selective logic is where one can choose one out of many options. In such cases, we have methods that can be applied to select only one out of many and leave the rest.
Let us take the case of the sunlight. The sun’s light appears to be a single colour when viewed with the naked eye. But the light is divided into seven distinct colours when we see it through a prism. Therefore, we have two ways of deciding the colour of the sun’s rays. Now, accepting the choice that carries more logical weight is possible. Therefore, in this matter, the theory of sunlight being made up of seven colours is acceptable because scientific methods have proved it.
Compulsive Logic
The matter of compulsive logic is entirely different. As far as compulsive logic is concerned, man has only one option. Man is compelled to accept the single choice, for no other choice is available. In compulsive logic, the state of affairs is such that man must necessarily accept whatever the proposition is, as no other options are available.
One prominent instance of compulsive logic is the identification of one’s mother. Everyone is compelled to accept one woman as one’s mother. Although the individual does not remember the experience of being born, he accepts his mother with absolute conviction. This acceptance happens by following the method of compulsive logic. One does so because, in this matter, one’s position is such that one must accept someone to be his mother. Therefore, when he is old enough to be aware of her, he accepts his mother as such with conviction because, in this case, there is no other choice available.
Accepting the existence of God also pertains to this kind of compulsive logic. The point worth noting in this matter of the existence of God is that we have no other option. We are compelled to believe in the existence of God because if we do not believe in the existence of God, this further leads to the denial of the existence of the universe along with our existence. Since we cannot negate the existence of the universe, we also cannot deny the existence of God.
Using this logic, we can say that the choice is not between the ‘universe with God’ and the ‘universe without God.’ Instead, the real choice is between the ‘universe with God’ or ‘no universe at all.’ As we cannot opt for the proposition ‘No universe at all,’ we are compelled to opt for the proposition ‘The universe with God.’