In the present era, arguments against the existence of God often include the problem of evil, which is widely regarded as the most significant among them. It is argued that the presence of imperfections in the universe cannot be attributed with confidence to a wise Creator. As an illustration, it is pointed out that the force of gravity on earth is significantly higher than it would need to be. When someone falls from a relatively small height, it can result in a broken bone. If gravity were lower, this would not be the case.
However, such discussions arise from limited knowledge, contemplation, and thought. Ancient wisdom seems to have overlooked that falling is an occasional accident, deviating from the norm. If gravity were lower, it would disrupt everyday life on earth. Humans would struggle to stand firmly, our transportation systems would falter, buildings and factories would collapse, and water would not remain grounded, among other consequences. The truth is that what some perceive as flaws in the natural system are indications of balance and equilibrium within it.
An amazing balance in the system of Nature characterizes the universe. These words of the Quran beautifully express this reality:
“He created seven heavens, one above the other in layers. You will not find any flaw in the creation of the Gracious One. Then look once again: can you see any flaw? Then look again and again. Your gaze will come back to you confused and exhausted.” (67:3-4)
The physical universe is flawless and free of defects because it is under the direct control of God. It is the material manifestation of God’s attributes. However, the affairs of the human world are different. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860-1904) rightly said:
“The world is infinitely beautiful. Only one thing in it is not beautiful: man.”
Man is the only creature in the known universe that harbours enmity with his fellow humans (Quran, 2:36). He creates corruption on the earth instead of reforming it. He engages in actions that destroy crops and generations (Quran, 2:205), and so on.
Why is there a difference between the two domains—man’s world and the rest of the universe? This is because the rest of the universe directly functions according to God’s command. It is compelled to be the way God wants it to be. But man has been given freedom by God for the test. And so, man can choose to walk either of the two paths: the right or the wrong path. The cause of the corruption of the human world is just this. The rest of the universe is bound to follow God’s will, which is why it is defect-free.
In contrast, man follows his desires, which is why chaos, strife, and corruption keep emerging in his affairs. Every evil found on earth results from a wrong use of human freedom. Throughout history, man has proven correct the apprehension the angels had expressed before God when man was created. The Quran says:
“When your Lord said to the angels, ‘I am putting a successor on earth,’ they said, ‘Will You place someone there who will cause corruption on it and shed blood, while we glorify You with Your praise and extol Your holiness?’” (2:30)
However, it is essential to understand that man’s freedom is not absolute. Only temporary freedom is given to him according to God’s Creation Plan. Human beings possess freedom for the sake of the test they are being put to while on earth. (Quran, 67:2). The planning of the Lord of the universe is to see who among them, despite possessing free will, chooses not to misuse it but instead uses it correctly so that He may bless the virtuous with His rewards (Quran, 13:22).
The existing system of the world will remain only until the examination process is complete. After the completion of this period, the Master of the earth will take the administration of the earth directly into His own hands, just as He is holding the administration of the rest of the universe directly in His hands (Quran, 19:40). At that time, the good people and the evil people will be separated from each other (Quran, 3:197). The good people will attain eternal paradise, while the evil ones will be cast into the universal dustbin and be eternally deprived.
The present world is, therefore, a place where men and women are being selected from the entire human history to inhabit the Divine World—Paradise—in the Hereafter. Who will be considered worthy of becoming inhabitants of Paradise? It will be only those who, despite being free, willingly submit to and faithfully follow God’s commands. It will be those people who abide by God’s will without being compelled to do so. In the present world, when the test of human beings is still underway, all sorts of good and bad people are present on earth together. But after the test period is over, only virtuous people will be deemed worthy of the eternal world of Paradise (Quran, 21:105).