There are countless examples of superb organization throughout the universe, far surpassing even the most advanced systems of man-made machines. It is simply unthinkable that the formidably complicated system of the universe could have come into existence without a Creative Intelligence being behind it. There is something utterly irrational in refusing to believe in the Organiser of an organized universe. The human mind has, thus, no rational grounds for denying the existence of God. We have to concede that there is a formidable array of facts in the universe that cannot be explained unless we admit the role of a superior Mind or God Almighty.

In the following statement of belief, George Earl Davis, an American physicist, makes perhaps the best summing-up of the situation:

“If a universe could create itself, then it would embody the powers of a Creator, a God, and we should be forced to conclude that the universe itself is a God. Thus, the existence of a God would be admitted, but in the peculiar form of a God that is both supernatural and material. I choose to conceive of a God who has created a material universe not identical to Himself but dominated and permeated by Himself.” (Man Does Not Stand Alone, p. 71)

One must ask, “Can such a great scheme of checks and balances as found in Nature develop without deliberate planning?” Examining the excellent organization, meaningfulness, and extraordinary wisdom that manifest themselves in the universe will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is indeed an Organizer and Sustainer of this universe.

Once again, asserting that the choice before us is not between the ‘universe with God’ and the ‘universe without God’ is important. Instead, the real choice is between the ‘universe with God’ and ‘no universe at all.’ As we cannot opt for the proposition ‘No universe at all,’ we are compelled to opt for the proposition the ‘universe with God.’

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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