A strange aspect of the universe is its lack of complete uniformity. In every portion, exceptions are found. These exceptional examples are proof of the fact that this universe has a great Creator. An exception in the universe is proof of intelligent intervention in the universe, and intelligent intervention in the universe is proof of an intelligent Creator of the universe, who can, through His will, intervene to make it possible for there to be an exception to a general rule.
For example, the solar system is an exception in the vast universe. Planet Earth is an exception in the solar system. The size of the Earth, which is just how it should be for human life to flourish at its best, is an exception. The Earth’s life-support system is an exception. Life on Earth is an exception. Man being on Earth is an exception. And so on.
These different sorts of exceptions in our world are not random exceptions without significance. Instead, they are significant exceptions. In the vast universe, these meaningful exceptions are definite proof of the fact that this universe has a Creator who made this universe in line with a deliberate plan. Where He wanted, He arranged for uniformity among things, and where He chose to, He caused exceptions to be present.
For example, in the structure of the bodies of human beings, there is uniformity, but along with this, each person’s genetic code is unique. Everyone’s fingers look structurally similar, but each person’s thumb impression is different. These exceptions amidst uniformity are certainly evidence of intervention and intelligent design by the Creator. They certainly cannot be the result of blind chance or coincidence, as atheists might insist.