Atheists claim that God has no real existence and that the idea of God is a product of the human mind. They say that God is a great invention of man. But this is only a wordplay. The more proper thing is to say, “Man is a great creation of God.”
Intellectual reflection on God’s existence began first of all in philosophy. However, philosophers could not arrive at any definite conclusion on this matter. After Galileo and Newton, the process of scientific reflection began. The subject matter of science is not the Creator, but it is what science calls ‘Nature’. What is ‘Nature’? It is but another name for the creation of the Creator. Thus, the subject matter of science is the study of creation without reference to the Creator.
In scientific study, firstly, in Newton’s era, the world was believed to have a mechanical design. After this, in the era of Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937), it became known that the world has a meaningful design. After this, the era of Fred Hoyle (1915-2001) arrived, when it was discovered that the universe is characterized by intelligent design.
Keeping these discoveries in mind, it would be correct to say that at the intellectual level, God’s existence has already been discovered and that now the whole issue is only one of nomenclature—that is, what the name of this discovered reality should be. Some philosophers might refer to this reality as ‘World Spirit.’ Science is calling it ‘Intelligent Design.’ In the language of people of religious faith, the name of this same reality is ‘God.’
Science only discovered creation, but along with the discovery of creation, the Creator is automatically discovered.