In the matter of the existence of God, the actual point at issue is what stand we can adopt and what stand we cannot adopt from a purely logical viewpoint. There is no other way of looking at this.

It is a fact that the universe has a high degree of organization. The matter of organization (nazm) is within man’s observation. Professor Davies has given a scientific example of the composition of the atom. Therefore, so far as the question of order in the universe is concerned, it is accepted by the scientific community.

Regarding taking a rational stand, the second most important thing is that the concept of order can never be explained without the idea of an Organizer of the order.  That is, design is not possible without a Designer. Without a Designer, the concept of order is rationally untenable. The presence of design has its compulsive logic, that is, unconditionally accepting the existence of a Designer. The absence of an explanation of the presence of the Designer is not a logical justification for denying the Designer’s fact.

What Professor Davies says about the structure of the atom is true of everything in this world. Each part of this world, be it big or small, is so regulated by eternal laws and is so in proportion that even the slightest change in its structure will suffice to disturb the whole world’s system.

For instance, gravity on Earth is, to the ultimate extent, suited to our needs. If the gravity on Earth were to become weaker or stronger, in both situations, the survival of human civilization would be rendered impossible. We know we have two immediate neighbours in space—the sun and the moon. If the sun were to take the place of the moon and the moon to take the position of the sun, then not only would human life but the Earth itself would be burnt to ashes.

Everything on our Earth moves from above to below. But the tree is exceptional because its roots go down into the ground, and the trunk grows upward. Earth would have no green trees if the trees did not have these outstanding features.

All these events indicate a high degree of organization in the universe. This points to the fact that an Organizer is behind the universe’s existence. Another name for the Organizer is God Almighty.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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