The solution of a contemporary issue can never happen on the basis of past precedence. The solution to a present problem always happens in the present context. This is an irrevocable historical law.

In March 2002, a new concept emerged among Arab countries in the context of a possible solution to the issue of Palestine. And that was, that if Israel withdrew to its 1967 borders, the Arab countries would recognize it. Talking to a Jewish person, an educated Arab presented this proposal before him. The Jewish person replied, smiling, ‘Dear neighbour, you are too late.’

Now, the above proposal of the Arabs seems nice, but it is certainly not practicable. It is actually thinking behind the times, which is something that is not workable in practice.

It is a bitter reality that for the Arabs, with regard to the issue of Palestine what was possible in 1917 had become impossible in 1948. In the same way, what was possible for them in 1948 no longer remained possible in 1967. Likewise, what was possible for them in 1967 did not remain possible for them in 2002. These facts, no matter how bitter they may seem, are a historical reality, and to change history is simply not possible for anyone—neither for the Arabs nor for anyone else.

In 2002, what was possible for the Arabs as regards the issue of Palestine was just one thing—and that was, that they should accept whatever they had gotten in the form of Gaza and the West Bank and construct their future on this territory. However, unfortunately, as a result of the impractical leadership of their emotion-driven leaders, they have made even this territory that they have acquired doubtful for themselves. The Arabs should know that they cannot obtain anything through violent movements like Hamas and the Intifada. Through negative actions, positive outcomes cannot be produced. Movements like Hamas and uprisings like the Intifada are, in actual fact, simply an expression of emotional reaction. And in this world of realities, emotional upheavals cannot produce any meaningful outcomes.

The fact of the matter is that the solution to an issue that prevails in the present can never happen on the basis of the past. The solution to a present problem always happens on the basis of the present. This is an irrevocable historical law. No exception to this law is possible for anyone.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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