Differences are a part of nature. The practicable formula is to remain united despite differences, rather than attempting to eliminate them.

How is it possible to establish unity in a social group? A suggestion that is often offered in this regard is to remove the differences that exist among members of the group so that unity can be established. The thinking behind this suggestion is that when there are no longer any differences among members of a group, unity will automatically come about. According to this way of thinking, if differences exist among people, there is no unity, and where there is unity, no differences exist. But this thinking is actually completely baseless. Through this sort of formula, unity can never be established in the world.

Difference is actually a natural thing. It is a compulsory part of the nature of every human being. This being the case, doing away with differences is simply not possible. In this matter, the proper and practicable formula is to remain united despite differences. This is what unity is, and not trying to become united by doing away with all differences. This is because, in this present world, it is just not possible that people’s differences can be bulldozed in such a way that they are completely wiped out.

In this present world, the true formula of reform can only be one that is in line with human nature. A formula that is not in line with human nature is not practicable or workable. And something that is not practicable or workable is also not beneficial.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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