Critique can actually be a very lofty form of engagement. It is necessary for a person’s intellectual development. To declare critique as taboo will lead to intellectual stagnation.

Many people think that critique is something bad. But the truth is that, while being non-critical might help in garnering popularity for oneself, it is, however, not beneficial as far as the task of any sort of meaningful reform is concerned.

Critique can actually be a very lofty sort of action. It is necessary for a person’s intellectual development. To declare critique as taboo will lead to intellectual stagnation. It will cause the thinking process to cease. And in a human society where the thinking process ceases, its members may still appear to be humans but in terms of their intellect and understanding, they will be at the animalistic level. They will be deprived of intellectual progress, which is the greatest asset in this world for any person.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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