In life, accepting a secondary position is essential for any progress. Unity or advancement prevails only in a society characterised by such thinking.

A lesson is imparted every day in the congregational prayers that are held in mosques. This lesson is that when, out of 10,000 worshippers, 9999 worshippers, praying behind a single person (the imam), accept a seemingly secondary position, it becomes possible for the congregational prayers to be offered.

The same formula is desirable in the life outside the mosque too. In a society where this thinking is absent, there can be no unity or progress. In life, accepting a secondary position is essential for any progress.

For the life of a community, this way of thinking is indispensable. However, it cannot come about on its own. It requires conscious nurturing and training. Generating conscious awareness or awakening is the main task, not indulging in zealous protests and agitations.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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