Opportunity with Problem

In this world, every difficulty (problem) is accompanied by ease (opportunity). The system of the present world is based on the principle of hope, where after each night, a fresh morning dawns.

The system of the present world is based on the principle of hope. Here, after every night, a new morning arrives. Here, every difficulty is accompanied by ease. Here, along with every problem, the door of opportunities remains open. To put it briefly, every problem is accompanied by a solution. This is an eternal principle of this world that can never change.

Even if there appears to be no solution in sight, one should know that the formula that one is using in seeking to solve the problem is not in accordance with the circumstances. In such a situation, one should use a new formula. So, for instance, on realising that the method of war cannot solve a problem, one should at once abandon it and use the formula of peace.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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