
To live with peace of mind and be tension-free, one must focus on managing mental tension, rather than attempting to entirely suppress it.

The modern industrial age has led to new sorts of complications for human life. These things were always present in a preliminary form prior to this, but human beings are now experiencing them in a full-blown form. Among these is the problem of what is called ‘mental tension’.

The reason for lack of peace of mind is mostly what is called ‘mental tension’ or ‘mental stress’. Now, it is a fact that in the present world, it is not possible for any person to avoid tension or stress completely. This being the case, the question arises as to what should be done in this matter.

I believe that tension or stress is not evil in itself. Rather, if seen from the right perspective, it can be a boon for human beings. Mental tension produces a form of ‘brainstorming’ in a person’s mind that activates one’s thinking process. If a person did not experience mental tension, he would not experience ‘brainstorming.’ Moreover, without this sort of ‘brainstorming’ inside a person’s mind, a person cannot grow intellectually.

To seek to stop mental tension directly or to try to suppress it is not a healthy solution to the issue. This sort of ‘solution’ is actually a sort of intellectual anesthesia. And this sort of anesthesia, seeks to stop the process of a person’s intellectual growth, is synonymous with taking a person to the animalistic level. One can say that the right solution is to seek to appropriately manage mental tension, rather than seeking to suppress it.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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