Aql: Aql means the intellect or the thinking process, which is the most prominent aspect of human existence. If one keeps one’s intellect alive, one can manage all the affairs of one’s life.

Hadiht: Hadith is also referred to as Tradition; the word hadith means communication or narration. In the Islamic context, it has come to denote the record of what the Prophet said, did, or tacitly approved. According to some scholars, the word hadith also covers reports about the sayings and deeds of the Companions of the Prophet. The Quran provides the basic teachings of Islam, while their detailed applications can be found in the hadith.

Dawah: Dawah means calling people to God to explain His creation plan, so one may become an inhabitant of paradise in the hereafter.

Dayee: A dayee is an individual who invites people to God and shares God’s creation plan for man with them in such a way that it successfully addresses people’s minds at every age.

Ilm: Ilm means understanding. Possessing knowledge or information about religion is not enough. One must have a proper understanding of religion. This is the essence of ilm.

Imam: The Imam or the leader of a group of Muslims in ritual prayer (Salah). Praying behind an imam teaches us a lesson that extends to other areas of life as well. It encourages us to wholeheartedly accept a secondary position by acknowledging the leader of the respective field ensuring that society may progress without any hindrance. Developing such thinking requires conscious nurturing and training.

Jihad: Jihad means exerting oneself to the utmost to achieve one’s goal. Jihad is essentially a peaceful ideological struggle, striving one’s utmost in submission to God’s will and communicating God’s message to others.

Haram and Ja’iz: Haraam refers to things that are forbidden in Islam. Ja’iz refers to those things that are permissible in Islam.

Istishhaad: Seeking Martyrdom. Suicide bombing is unlawful in Islam, but the Muslim leaders have given it a good name—istishhaad (seeking martyrdom)—and thus, for their part, legitimized something that is forbidden in Islam.

Kalima (Kalimatu ash-Shahadah): The word of testimony. This is the Islamic creed. The recitation of the Kalima of monotheism is to accept the oneness of God and accept Prophet Muhammad as God’s Messenger.

Maarifah: Maarifah means the realization or understanding of reality through contemplation and reflection. Maarifah denotes insight to go beyond external knowledge to see inner realities. If a person possesses knowledge (in the sense of information) but does not possess the insight of Maarifah, he will not understand the difference between one thing and another.

Madu: A madu is one who is invited towards God and the truth. Other communities have the status of madu for the Muslims, to whom Muslims are duty-bound to communicate the message of God.

Taqwa: Taqwa means God-consciousness, leading a life of caution and restraint in this world. To properly understand religion, one must inculcate God-consciousness in oneself.

Tatfeef: According to the Quran (83:1-6), Tatfeef refers to an unfair way of thinking. Every human being wants to have his dues paid in full. It is only fair that he should also give others their full dues. This is a balanced way of thinking which will lead to progress. A balanced way of thinking or right thinking is man’s most significant action. Through right thinking, one understands the difference between one thing and another; one discovers solutions to difficulties; one discerns hidden realities; one learns how to convert minus points into plus points. It is our level of thinking that determines our success or failure. Success is the result of right thinking. Think right, do right, and succeed, both in this world and the Hereafter.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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