When Words Become Insufficient

John Brown was a truck driver in the north of England. He and his wife Leslie had no children, but they badly wanted one. And at just that time, science came to their help. A doctor in London combined a sperm from Mr. Brown and an egg from his wife in a special test-tube in his laboratory. In accordance with the Law of Nature, the sperm and the egg met. Four days later, the doctor placed the fertilized egg in Mrs. Brown’s womb, where it began to grow. The experiment was successful, and in August 1978, the first ‘test-tube baby’ in history was born. She was named Louise Brown. The entire process was filmed, and after the baby was born, it was broadcast on television.

When asked to comment on the entire affair, John Brown simply remarked, ‘Beautiful!’ He just could not say anything other than just this one word!

Tragic events are sometimes much greater than occasions of great joy. Some years ago, I read about a woman whose two children had been brutally murdered in New Delhi and she could not utter a single word for seven hours after hearing the news.

The fact is that the more extreme the impact of an event, the less words one has to respond to it. If you are extremely happy, you do not have the words to express your feelings. Likewise, if you are extremely sad or terribly shocked and shaken, words will simply fail you. People who never cease expressing their sorrow over the state of religion, those who talk endlessly about the religion and the condition of the Muslim community today in the form of an endless barrage of words only prove that they are actually the least sorrowful as far religion and Muslims are concerned. If they were truly so deeply sorrowful about the Muslims’ conditions, they would have fallen silent, rather than engaging in a non-stop verbal duel.

The fact is that people have not discovered God as a Giver or an Avenger. Had they discovered Him in one of these two forms, they would not be continuing with their meaningless, never ending verbal outpourings.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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