Awakening One’s Inner Capacity

This world, that is full of meaning, is a world that expresses God’s splendour. Who is there who can express God’s splendour in human language? The truth is that where words cease, meaning begins. When we try to explain the meaning of something, we are actually not explaining it. In fact, we are actually subtracting something from it. We conceal it, under a curtain of words.

You cannot understand a reality that is suffused with meaning simply through saying words about it. A blind man cannot come to know what a flower is simply by being told about it in words. In the same way, if someone has not awakened the inner capacity to see meaningful inner realities, he cannot become aware of them, not even if all the words in the dictionary are read out before him!

Divine guidance is the voice of every person’s nature. But only he is blessed with this guidance who truly has the desire for this guidance, who is driven restless by the urge to find the Truth. Such a person has already crossed half the distance, as it were, on the path of guidance. He is listening to the divine voice, hidden deep inside himself, asking him, ‘Am I not your Lord?’ He has awakened his inner capacity to comprehend the language of meaning. Because of his detachment from the unreal world, he becomes so close to the real world that he begins to hear angels whisper.

The Prophet is a helper for those on this path of the search for the Truth. People go through all of these above-mentioned experiences in an unclear, ambiguous manner before they obtain knowledge of the Truth through the Prophet. Later, when a person comes to know about the Prophet’s message, it becomes the voice of his intrinsic nature. He finds the wordless indications that are hidden inside him in the language of words. The Quran and the reader of the Quran become counterparts of each other. The Quran becomes him, as it were, and he, as it were, becomes the Quran.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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