Contradiction between the Human World and the Rest of the Cosmos

I was standing before a mountain, far from any human habitation. The place was surrounded by beautiful trees. Birds called out in sheer delight. Different types of insects crawled around. Witnessing all this, I felt a strange feeling pass through me. How great and how perfect must that God be who made such a vast world and then caused it to work in exact accordance with His plan!

How beautiful, and how innocent, is this world! Here, birds utter only those sounds that their Creator has taught them. Here, cats and sheep obtain their food in exactly the manner that has been established for them by birth. Here, trees grow in complete accordance with the pattern that their Lord has, from the very beginning, determined for them. Here, rivers flow in accordance with the law that has been established for them since time immemorial. God’s universe is a perfect collection of different entities. Here, every single thing works in just the same way as has been commanded by God, without even the most minor deviation.

But a human being’s case is completely different. A person utters words from his mouth that have not been permitted by his Lord. He takes such things as his sustenance as his Master has forbidden him. He travels on roads on the journey of his life that God has declared to be out of bounds for him. A human being is a very small part of God’s creation. But he revolts against the collective system of the vast universe. He creates strife in God’s perfectly organized world. He injects contradictions in God’s contradiction-free cosmos. He brings about disharmony in the harmonious cosmic whole. It is like smearing a beautiful painting and adding something faulty to it. It is like giving Satan a chance to act where Angels are at work.

God’s astounding power and beautiful taste, whose evidence is present at every moment in the vast cosmos, rebuts the assumption that this state of affairs will remain the same forever. God’s power definitely cannot allow this oppression. God’s beautiful taste certainly cannot tolerate this. And so, that Day of Judgment will definitely arrive when this contradiction in the cosmos is resolved and God’s will is followed in the human world in the same way as it is fully followed in the rest of the cosmos.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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