The Divine ‘Operation’!

Once, in Phoenix, a town in America, a man was admitted to hospital. He had a severe problem in his stomach. The doctors said that he had to have an operation. And so, his stomach was operated upon. To their shock, the doctors discovered a diamond inside! It was this that had caused the man such intolerable pain. When the diamond was removed, it was found that it still had its price tag on it! It read, ‘Price: 6500 dollars’.

The police were called in at once. They questioned the patient, who initially claimed that he had won the diamond as a reward and that he had swallowed it by mistake. But very soon, the truth was out – the man had stolen it from a shop! When he was going out of the shop, the shopkeeper suspected that he had been up to no good and went after him. When the man realized that he might be nabbed, he quickly swallowed the diamond! The police had been on the lookout for him, and now that they had found him, they arrested him. (The Hindustan Times, November 5, 1981)

The man was unable to digest the diamond that he had illegitimately acquired. He was compelled to discharge it from out his system, and so he himself become the living proof of his crime.

Exactly this sort of thing, but in a more severe form, is what is going to happen with everyone in the Hereafter.

In this world, people oppress one another, rob others of their rights, and refuse to respect and acknowledge their fellow creatures. Despite doing all this, they think that they are ‘making it big’. Wielding their power and cunningness, they try to hide their crimes. But this is only till they do not encounter death. Death is, as it were, an ‘operation’ that God has devised for every person that brings outside whatever is inside him. It reveals whatever he had concealed. Just as a man’s stomach cannot digest a diamond, this universe of God’s cannot accept oppression and injustice.

The time is soon coming – the Day of Judgment – when the divine ‘operation’ will reveal the entire truth about people, and when they will have no alternative but to acknowledge their crimes.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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